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Guaranteed MINIMUM agency fee in town

Trusted and family friendly staff

For maids services, Please call at 98008981For maids services, Please call at 98008981

Optimal Maids

Agency Singapore

Place more than 200 maids every year

Trusted and family friendly staff

Agency Pte Ltd Singapore


Experienced Maids

Transfer maids, Fresher maids & Direct maids

Indian Maids (Punjabi, Darjeeling, Manipur, Mizoram, Tamil)

Filipino,Myanmar Maids and Indonesian maids...

Caring CHILD

Child Care & Nanny

Care your child as own child and try to find best nanny , child care FDW for you.
Indian, Filipino, Myanmar and Indonesian care taker for your child


Elder Care

Our parents are our roots and we understand best care and happiness to our clients.
We find best FDW for your elder care who can care them as their own parents strive to exceed

About Optimal Maids

At Optimal Maids, we are friendly and homely staff to optimally fulfil helper requirement by placing well trained and “self-home minded” helper as per your busy life requirement, culture and budget.
Round the clock we are available to our clients and helper when ever it is needed..

Optimal Maids - Where Trust Meets Perfection

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